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Thankfulness: Our Backers

Aaron K

Hey Reader!

Welcome to November! Life has been crazy as we completed the backer rewards for the Zurn Kickstarter and reviewed the submissions from the #ZuJuWriMo, and now as we head into November, the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving here in the States, I thought we'd dedicate this month to thanking a host of people that have made Zurn possible over the past year. It's a slightly different use for the blog, but one that is in line with our "high concept."

To start our Thankfulness series, I'd like to give a very special thank you to those who backed the Kickstarter of 2016 for The Warriors of Zurn sourcebook, our first book. Without your help, Zurn would still just be a game in testing, and through your donations to the cause we now have a game that is preparing to hit the market on November 15th (assuming no major delay with hosting of the product - more on that in a future post!).

In particular, though, as a young man your backing of the Kickstarter meant a lot to me. Some of the backers were long-time family friends, others were classmates in college, still others were beta testers that had picked up the game only months before the Kickstarter launched, and some are complete strangers to me.

They came from all over - some of you are from the States (about 15 states to be precise), while others were from Canada, Poland, and beyond. And you all came together for one purpose: to back a game. A game that was first hatched in an airport terminal years ago.

I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you would be willing to take a chance on our game, and for your work this past year, I would like to say thank you, :)

We aim to post every day this month with different persons that we are thankful for (including, as a means of thanking some of them, the results of the Zurn July Writers Month!), but as a thought for your day: consider being intentional in thanking people this month. November has the chance of being a downer for people all around you, and we have a chance, as adventurers, to make a difference through little things that we do for others.

So what do you think: will you join me in making this month a month of thankfulness?

Tune in tomorrow (or thereabouts) for our next act of thankfulness,

Aaron K

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