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Game Master Tips: GMing Young Players


Hey Reader!

Welcome back to the Zurn blog! Today we wanted to highlight a few game master tips to a very unique demographic (but very common among the Zurn beta testers) of roleplayers: game masters of little children. We currently have a handful of testers under the age of eight, and we stumbled across an article this week from The DM Blog which we think will be a great resource for you.

A quick excerpt to whet your appetite:

"Be sure to give every player the chance to be the hero. Try to give each player a moment of spotlight when they get to shine, and make a big deal about it.

"Encourage the other players to congratulate the success of their fellow player. This really helps pump up the confidence of the younger players and they will talk about it for ages. It creates a lasting memory."

For more info, click the link above. Also, for those of you looking to participate in #ZuJuWriMo, a final update before the launch is coming out this week, so stay tuned!

Until next time,


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