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Store Spotlight: Atlantis Games & Comics

Aaron K

Hey Reader!

With work being filled with a lot of travel, I'm finally sitting down to a stretch of relative quiet and peace, giving me time to catch up on the blog. From my travels, though, I came across a number of excellent game stores in my wanderings, and today I'd like to start a mini-series highlighting some of the exceptional stores I found along the way.

Today I want to highlight Atlantis Games & Comics, a small store in Norfolk, VA near the beach front. I dropped in to visit this store between work-related meetings, and I'm not usually the kind of person to drop in, purchase something, and just hang out at the store for a few hours. But this store was something else.

The people there are exceptional and knowledgeable. When I was looking for something, they were quick to show me what they had, what could proxy well from other games, and all the while didn't make me feel like an idiot as they explained everything to me. There was a true heart of service in their work, and that is something that stands out to me (as I'm a customer service agent for my full-time work).

Their prices were also very reasonable. The prices there were on-par or better than the prices I am used to seeing in the Northern VA area, and I appreciate seeing a store that's willing to give a good deal to the patron.

But perhaps most interesting of all: the variety at the store was incredible. For people who like traditional board games, almost 25% of the store was dedicated to board games. For those who like miniature models, they have a large selection of those, ranging from historical to fantasy and sci-fi models. They carry a number of the typical card-based games, as well as some that are off the beaten path. And for those who like roleplay, comics, and other book-based games, they have a wide swath of those as well.

It's a small store, independently owned and operated, and if you have a chance you should seriously check them out. I highly recommend them.

Until next time, may the Light shine around every corner,

Aaron K

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